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четвер, 12 березня 2020 р.

Distance Education Time


субота, 1 лютого 2020 р.

How we 
handle adversity determines our success in life
How we handle adversity determines our success in life! 
One of my thoughts on adversity is, "Adversity is a fact of life. It can't be controlled. What we can control is how we react to it."When faced with adversity we can give up and adopt the poor me attitude. Or we can look at adversity as an opportunity to find other ways to do things. We can be determined, persistent and persevere. It all comes down to your choice - and it is a choice of attitude!
"What life means to us is determined not so much by what life brings to us as by the attitude we bring to life; not so much by what happens to us as by our reaction to what happens." Lewis L. Dunnington

"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit." Napoleon Hill

середа, 15 січня 2020 р.

Happiness is...

Картинки по запросу "what is happiness"        Картинки по запросу "what is happiness"
        Sometimes it's not about the big things in life, but the little things we do for others that brings the most happiness to our lives. If you are lucky enough to be on the receiving end, don't forget to stop, and admire them!        
     If you are quiet enough, you will hear the flow of the universe. You will feel its rhythm. Go with this flow. Happiness lies ahead...     
                                                                                           ~ ♥ Buddha